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Remote Viewing the Future

Grim Predictions (DVD)

Retired military intelligence officer, Major Ed Dames, has stunned millions around the world with his ground the world with his groundbreaking documentaries and remote viewing training jprograms.  Now, the one they refer to as “Dr. Coom” and his team will review predicted events that have already come to pass and provide shocking detail regarding upcoming catastrophes and epidemics that plague mankind’s future.

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Viewing the Future: Grim Predictions by Major Ed Dames begins by presenting the frightening history and accuracy behind the once top-secret U. jS. military program as it moved into the private sector.  Discover the stunning truth surrounding dozens of predictions made on national radio; weeks and months preceding these disturbing events including:

♦  A devastating terrorist attack

♦  The month and location for an unprecedented earthquake

♦  The recent rise of a new crop killing fungus

♦  And more…

Proven as an effective tool through military and private operations, viewers not looks even farther into mankind’s future to see what deadly events will disrupt our way of life.  Within this exclusive documentary, Major Ed Dames and his team reveal several future predictions that are yet to occur with frightening detail including:

♦  Upcoming disease outbreaks

♦  Devastating and imminent Earth changes

♦  The next use of a nuclear weapon

♦ And more…

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