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Nuclear Radiation from Fukushima

The Beginning of the end is a mystery thriller set in the United States.  Author Michael T. Snyder  




I will not knowingly eat another fish from the Pacific Ocean.  The fish all along the west coast of Canada are bleeding from their gills, bellies and eyeballs. Source: Michael Snyder


Fukushima Radiation Hitting Canada and United States



Bears up in Alaska are getting skin lesions and loss of fur.

 Every bluefin tuna tested in the waters off California has shown to be contaminated with radiation that originated in Fukushima. Every single one.

What a fool I have been.  This summer, I grew the craziest looking tomatoes and ate them.  I covered my veggie garden with plastic before the radiation cloud reached us… according to the news anyway.  Was careful when removing it.   It didn’t dawn on me something was wrong.

I assumed it would be OK to out in the rain after a few months time, so did.  Is that right or should the west coast still stay out of the rain still?  Anyone, please leave your opinion below in the comment box.



NukAlert-ER handheld Geiger Counter  



 Radiation Detector for use in food or water to 600 Rads.  Click on the Amazon link above for full discription.


 Source: Michael Snyder Co



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